You bring your new puppy home for the first time and the kids are SO excited because they've been waiting patiently for so long for this moment. The puppy is so darn cute that your kids can't keep their hands off him . At first everything is going well but soon you find yourself chasing after this adorable, devil puppy who won't stop chasing your kids and biting at their heels, the kids are crying because his little teeth are too sharp, he doesn't listen to a word you say and then the puppy pees and poops on the floor.... again.
In the middle of all this chaos you find yourself wondering why you thought adding a little fur monster was a good idea. Who's idea was it anyway? Oh, yeah - yours, haha.
Sound familiar?
Starting your training right away is the #1 most important thing if you want a well-behaved puppy. Despite what it might seem at times, your puppy isn't trying to drive you crazy, he just doesn't know what you want him to do yet and it's your job to teach him! It can be done, and we're here to help you.
Start your training off right with these two must-have resources:
If you want your dog to ALWAYS come when called (even when there are distractions), to have an undeniable, loving bond with your kids, walk nicely on the leash and have a variety of tricks you can show off your friends, you're in the right place!
Clicker training will bring you all of this and much more. You can start with the two resources below.

Training can and should be done by the whole family. Here's what you will learn in this FREE ebook.

Kids teaching kids! You will see how easy it is because all the training in this unique video is done by kids. Training can and will create an unbreakable bond between trainer and dog - kid or adult. You'll see!
In this video: